The Principal Founder

The Principal Founder Frederico DeVoe the principal founder worked for 21 years in the local Pay n Pak home improvement center in Kennewick. He built a reputation for satisfying even the most difficult customers while feeling a great satisfaction in seeing them walking away content. During those years he also learned Spanish while working as a volunteer which unbeknownst to him would be of benefit in the future. In 2001 the company that he was working for unexpectedly closed and he spent the next few years honing his abilities as an interpreter and took the exam to become a court certified interpreter. Shortly thereafter he became a medical and Social service interpreter. In 2003 he came up with the name Well Spoken Interpreting. The company’s first invoice was $300.00 and over the years the company has grown to gross more than 1.5 million dollars per year. Yes, good service and satisfying our customers go a long way. To date we supply the needs of clients and providers in clinics, hospitals, conferences, courts and etc. We look forward to serving you.